Measurement Activities Click any of the images below to practice your math skills! Add Angle MeasurementsArea at the Post Office: Fractional Side LengthsFlower Garden: Finding Area of RectanglesPlanting Grass: Solving for AreaOh La La Bakery: Area & Perimeter of RectanglesArt Canvases: Find the Area of A RectangleBaking ConversionsConverting MeasurementsPaleontologist Dig: Converting Units of MeasurementCreate Line Plots with Data SetsWhat’s the Distance?Elapsed Time Practice: How Many Minutes?Paul’s Pools: Find the Missing Side LengthBuilding a Mansion: Find the Area of Each RoomMini Golf: Finding Area with TilesFinding PerimeterGirl Troop Cookies: Finding VolumeIce Cream Counting: PictographsMeasure Objects in InchesMeasurement Conversions: Are They Right?Measuring AnglesSprinkler Angles: Exploring Angles in a CirclePerimeter at the ZooFind the Missing Angle MeasurementWhat Time Is It?Tile That Area!Time for Sports ChallengeVolume Matching ChallengesFind the Volume of Composite FiguresFind the Volume of PrismsFind the Volume of PrismsLemonade Stand Word ProblemsWhat Does the Animal Weigh?